Carbon Removals
How about Removals?
The environmental crisis we are facing is beyond carbon. The co-benefits of a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy are no less important than removing carbon itself.
This is why we believe in sustainable soil solutions. Healthy soil is essential for food production and it is our best ally in capturing and removing carbon.
It all starts and ends with soil!

Enhanced Rock Weathering
Volcanic rock reacts with CO2 and water to form bicarbonate and carbonate containing minerals. This natural process removes CO2 from the atmosphere, storing it away for thousands of years, OR from human perspective – permanently!
However, this technique needs careful planning and if done wrong, can result in NO negative emissions generated by a project
We are here to do it right!
By selecting the right soils, plots, rock types, grain size, logistics and application methods, matching them in finely tuned carbon removal projects. We understand rock powder is just part of the comprehensive solution we need. It is a puzzle piece in a wider strategy of sustainable forestry and agriculture, where ecosystem services and biodiversity are equally important to greenhouse gas removal.
We will get there one step at a time. In addition to enhanced weathering we are currently working to include biochar into our strategy to help manage the soil microbiome. This way we do carbon removal on multiple levels, both organic and inorganic!
The Engineering Part
Size matters!
We use fine powdered rock to ensure dissolution within decades.
Empirical verification
We apply a state of the art scientific approach for empirical verification of rock powder dissolution and CO2 drawdown to verify our removals
We match the ingredients for the reaction, providing optimal conditions for it to happen.
On top of the carbon sequestration this technique also:
Helps stabilization of soil pH
Increases resilience of plants to pests and diseases
Provides basic nutrients to plants
Increases yields and decreases the need for fertilizers

Start with YOUR Project today
No matter if you are a landowner, a production company or a municipality. If you are interested in funding a project or become a project partner, get in touch!
The Unbribable 8
or HOW we develop & select projects
Being aware of climate change and its fundamental effects, we are constantly in the search for meaningful contributions.
We've set a high quality bar for ourselves and project development partners to prove the proactive measures to create an environmental and social positive impact.
This is why we put a lot of effort into creating the best projects and are aligning them with SDG and EU’s latest green deal regulations.
We check every project on our 8 criteria.
They are non-negotiable.
Paving the way for scaling the implementation is of essence to reach the removals supply volume we need. That’s why we pay special attention to that potential in the projects we participate in.
All projects in offering at our platform provide regular financial and performance reports securing transparency and trust in the work done.
We develop projects that provide maximum impact for every euro spent, yet with reasonable enough pricing to ensure no shady practices are employed to undercut market prices.
The project results in net new carbon removed, rather than taking credit for removal that was already going to occur.
The longevity of the carbon removal is a major part of the projects evaluation. Forestry projects are a must, but the carbon captured is not stored permanently. Therefore fore we focus on Enhanced Weathering and Biochar as permanent solutions, that are integrally connected to forestry and farming ecosystems. This optimizes the environmental impact of every CDR unit we offer.
Using strict scientifically proven methods is a must for all projects, as well as a third party validation if applicable.
We take into account further benefits from the removal projects like effects on biodiversity, employment opportunities for the local communities, providing shelter for endangered species, improving water and soil quality.
We source only European projects, because of the well developed legal frame, scientific community and environmental conscientiousness. This ensures accountability, validation, verification and preservation of the projects to the highest standards. We believe that the EU has all the right prerequisites of becoming the much-needed role model in this new CDR industry, setting up the global standard.